A vehicle graphic of your business logo, a website address or other contact information not on your car could be considered money left on the table. Think about how many people see your car, truck, or van each week. The reality, is perhaps more than you think. Vehicle graphics typically fetch a cool thirty to seventy thousand views in a single day. That quickly accumulates to millions of impressions a year. The impact that could have on your business is huge.
Many large companies understand this and have used this method to brand their logo or website URL into the minds of customers or potential customers for years. Small to mid-size businesses are catching on. Custom vehicle wrap companies have had increasing business from the mushrooming popularity of vehicle decals. Consider the amount of time americans spend on the highways each year. For a company that wants to benefit from that fact a car wrap may be the way to go. Outdoor advertising methods such as billboards often cost thousands for a single month. Graphics on a car can often kickstart a business for less than a cup of coffee a day.